Friday, January 16, 2009

Take care of your Gift

      Gift? 什么Gift啊? 看了题目摸不着头脑吧。其实这个Gift并不是你的圣诞礼物,也不是你的生日礼物(我的生日快到了哦),它是上天给你的"才能"。那么,要怎么样才能保护它呢?
      最近除了忙于研究,也抽空看了一些书籍。前几天看这一本由Po Bronson书写的'What Should I Do with My life?'。顾名思义,就是关于如何走出自己的人生路。作者为了写着一本书,特地采访了许多人。他们都是普通人,平凡人,但是却有着不平凡的故事。在这里我想分享的当然不是教你怎么发财之类的事情,而是怎样做才会无愧于自己或自己的才能。

"People have this stupid fantasy that if you're the creator, or the inventor, or the artist, you hand over your creation to businessmen and cash the royality checks. That's a fantasy. It's irresposible to their gift. If you have a gift, you should take care of it."


      说了那么多,到底要怎么做啊?当然,这些事情都是case by case,没有一个标准的答案。作者在书中写了一些自己的经验,可供参考。这是刚才那一句之后的下一段,作者与某人在对话当中。

"Did you do that?"
"Absolutely. During my late twenties I was attending writing school at night. I believed that someday I would write something worthwhile. So for five years, during the day, I put in my time at a small publishing house. I learned everything I could about the industry. I prepared the financials and paid the bills. I typeset books. I shipped orders. I designed jackets. I wrote press release. I made publicity calls. You name it, I did it. I know publishing wasn't my calling, and the pay sucked, but I was determined to have the skills to protect the books I would someday write."


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