Tuesday, September 12, 2017

It's going to be crazy months ahead for me as those heavyweight tasks are flowing in one by one. First I am charged with the commissioning run task force to figure out the missing muons and then I have to co-prepare the Experimental Operational Plan (EOP) and then to give a talk for the Operational Readiness Review regarding the data analysis plan for the muon anomalous precession frequency. All these responsibilities in addition to job applications, funding applications, manuscript preparing, data analysis and student mentoring, my life can't be busier.

Ok, back to work.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Revival post

I can't believe it took me more than 2 years to create a new post here. It could mean I was either very lazy or very busy. It is a mixture of both.

I have gained a lot of experience working in my current group and in the Muon g-2 collaboration while I was absent from this blog. Long story short, my current responsibility is to co-coordinate analysis effort of the collaboration. I guess I will share what it means for me in the next occasion.