Friday, June 17, 2011

Swiss Physical Society Meeting 2011, Part 1

I spend most of the week in Lausanne, French speaking part of Switzerland to attend this conference. Although hoping for oral presentation, where I don't have to carry a poster all the way from Zürich, I ended up got selected for poster presentation. Well, it was not bad at all, as I can describe my work while drinking wine in front of people who are interested on it.

While thinking I am probably one of the minorities who use LaTeX for making posters, I found out alot of people are actually doing that, and I even saw some with the same layout as my first draft. After all, we are doing the same business, Physics!

Although the official language for this conference is English, I could hardly listen to any English conversation, as most of the people here are the mother tongue of German or French. And the president of SPS even switching the language according to his will during the general assembly of SPS.

to be continued......