Yes, welcome back to my blog!
As LHC experiment is turned on again this year, I am spending most of the time on Physics Analysis, especially on Standard Model Higgs and beyond SM Higgs, on H->2 Tau or H->2A->4 Tau. Sounds difficult? Well, the basic idea is to search for some excesses on the kinematic distributions expected for Standard Model Particles. If there is, then it is possible that some new Physics are happening at the LHC and detailed study will be conducted to verify which model would be the most probable one.
Here are some updates on my recent life........
Photo with Professor Rolf-Dieter Heuer(CERN's Director General) during Media Day on 7 TeV Collision (30th March)
Soon after the 7 TeV collision started, I had a 2 week trip to CERN for my research presentation. I am supposed to visit there about 4 months ago, but had to give way to ICEPP symposium at Nagano and Japan Physics Conference at Okayama.
My first time at Europe was a very nice one, research life there are tougher than in Japan though. Far away from the town area, I would say that CERN is a nice place for concentrating on research, and also for stimulating discussion, as it is overwhelmed by purely scientific community . But of course I need to learn their common language, French, if I am going to stay there for a length of 3 years for my PhD research.
CERN Hostel
My working place
In a French restaurant with wine~
Scallop and Asparagus and potato!
The Jet d'Eau fountain
The flower clock
Church at Geneva